Public Service Appeal
We all benefit when good people volunteer to support local public services. Like most communities, The Town of Harrison has a constant need for members of the community to volunteer to fill various part time public service positions: volunteer fire firefighters, emergency medical technicians, first responders, police reserve, town committees and town board positions.
We are all negatively affected in some way when we do not have enough people come forward. In general terms, basic public services are required and will be provided. However, if part time volunteers are not available in sufficient numbers the cost for these services tends to increase while local control tends to decrease. Additionally, insufficient numbers of volunteers may lead to longer response times for vital services such as Fire and Ambulance.
For example, the Waupaca area has had to outsource ambulance/EMT services to a (full-time) private firm. Our primary ambulance/EMT support comes from Iola and they are currently experiencing a shortage of EMT's (and firefighters). If Iola cannot take the emergency call, then we would have to rely more on first responders and other, more distant volunteer ambulance providers; or eventually have to contract with a full time private firm. The Town of Harrison already has a significant portion of our population over age 65 and that ratio is expected to increase into the foreseeable future. It is in our best interest to keep the cost for public services down with the best response times possible.
So what can we do? We can volunteer! If you live anywhere within 15 miles of Iola think about joining the volunteer fire and ambulance department. Become a first responder. What about the police reserve through the Waupaca County Sheriff's Department? When you get a tap on the shoulder telling you that you are needed, please give it serious consideration. Encourage others to do the same. It's a great way for a young person considering a career to explore their interest by beginning on a part-time basis. Also, some of these public service providers have fundraisers to support their operations. Please consider a donation.
Compensation and financial assistance for training and education may also be available for your time and services depending on the position.
Public Service Contacts
Iola Fire
Joe Barden - (715) 445-2515
Iola Ambulance
Carrie Snyder - (715) 445-2515
Northwest 1st Responders
Becky Schultz - (715) 470-2029
Waupaca County Sheriff
Sergeant Scott Lewis - (715) 258-4466
Town of Harrison
Dean Lashua, Chairman - (715) 445-3291